If I allow traffic through the VPN can I limit the source

I have a vendor who would liek to link thier system to a URL to recieve updates, do backups and monitor conditions. If we allow traffic through the VPN connection, can I limit this connection to a single URL?

Will it allow 2 way traffic?

Are you asking about using the T2M VPN connection or your own VPN connection?

I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “link their system to a URL.”

Can you provide more details or a diagram?

Sorry about the late response.

If we set the Ewon Flexy up to allow Internet access through the WAN side, not VPN, can we limit the device to only accessing a certain Web page.

Example: Where Acme Database Server is on the LAN side of the Ewon and it needs to connect to acme.biz\update (which is on the Internet) to receive updates and sync data.

Can I limit the Acme Database Server (LAN Side) to only accessing Acme.biz\update (WAN\Internet side)? Or am I stuck with allowing Acme Database Server free access to any site, and any malicious site having access to it?

Setting NATitf=2 in the comcfg.txt (Setup > System > Storage > Edit COM cfg) only allows outgoing traffic so you will only access a server that you send a request to. It does not allow incoming traffic from malicious sites or any sites for that matter. You will have to use a firewall if you want limit access to certain sites.

Will this change turn off the standard plug and play routing? Will I need to go and add a Gateway to each device on the LAN that we want to access via the ewon?

Yes, that’s correct. Plug n Route will no longer be enabled and therefore the LAN devices need to specify the Ewon as the gateway.