Input registers coming from M241 PLC using modbus

Hi there,

I’m trying to configure the alarm management using tags.

I made a status tag to comfirm communication is OK.

I’m using the 40001 Holding register to right on the PLC, it’s working fine

But I can’t read the input registers coming from the PLC. In the I/o server set up of the tag, it tells me to use 30001 to access the input register. it’s not working, gives me an unknown health status.

Any ideas?


Have you disabled tags in error at all? It could be one tag that is causing the others error out. You can find this in the Global Settings for the IO Servers.

If you could also supply a backup with support files of the Ewon unit. I’m hoping i can Identify what is occurring based of the event logs.

smbs-Mbs Illegal function

it’s the error the event log is giving me

Hi kevin, thanks for your awnser.

The only tag in error is the one i’m trying to configure.
Status tag : 1, means communication is ok with the PLC.

Not sure how to give you the backup.
It’s an Ewon Flexy 201


My apologies. You can get a back up with support files with eBuddy. You would use eBuddy while connected to the Flexy. and ensure you include the support files.

What is the data type of the value that you are trying to read for Modbus?


data type is a word : 16bits
Move to Private


The file should be a .tar file, not CSV. Unfortunately, the file you attached did not contain configuration information that I required.