IPconfig software not scanning gateway

The .cfg fie in the gateway says there is no gateway address (, but it shows one ( on the device webpage. Which one is telling me the truth?

If you change the gateway in the file and download it back onto the gateway is the address getting updated?

Honestly, at this point I’m worried that something unintended is going to be changed if I do.

I’ll give it a try, but why would those other tabs be blocked? And what cfg file has the DeviceNet info?

Also, I don’t see an ip.cfg file anywhere in there when I FTP into the device, only the ethcfg.cfg.

I had mentioned the ip.cfg file before we knew what device you had. Some of our devices use ip.cfg while other ethcfg.cfg or similar file.

You are accessing the files on the ethernet/ip interface the devicenet files are not available.

I will need to double check but I believe this is a bug in some firmware revisions. It does not affect general used of the device.

OK, understood. Thanks for the clarification.

That did it. Pulled the cfg file out, opened and resaved it, put it back (no change) and cycled power on the gateway (then it changed). Kinda goofy and a fair bit more work than it should have been but I’m OK with the results.

I appreciate the help along the way from all of you there at HMS.

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