LAN / WAN Conflict

I am having issues connecting to My equipment because I have Eaton switch gear that has a fixed IP address.
When I go offsite, I have IP address issues. Is using a VPN a possible fix?


Unfortunately, if the LAN you are connected to when connecting over eCatcher to your eWON has a subnet of, a route conflict will exist between the local LAN on your computer and remote LAN on the eWON. You will need to either connect using a different LAN when traveling or modify the local LAN to not be in the network.


Is it possible to make my laptop use another IP than what is given by the router?

Thank You


It really depends on the network. If you are using a public WiFi such as one at a local business, you are limited to the IP address that the DHCP server on their router assigns to you. If you are on an enterprise network, you can request that the IT department assign your network segment in a different VLAN. If you are on a home network where you can access the configuration of the ISP’s router/modem, you can log into the router/modem and change the DHCP range.

I hope this helps.

Sounds as if the best bet might be for now to remote into our server then go directly to the connected devices and not use the eWon Cosy. If i am at a motel they wont let me change their router and i wouldn’t ask. The router @ home i can change.

Thank You