Module AB7675 Problem to configure Ethernet Ip Scanner

Hello I have some problem to enable the comunication beetween the module AB7675 and one equipment Indradrive for Rexroth

I Can configure the module IP adress , gateway and I can read the parameters in the web browser, but I can establish the net with the slave

I read the manual X-gateway Interface Addendum Doc. HMSI-27-249 Rev 2.00 but I can’t do the steps from the page 4-18 chapter 4.2

could you help me with this issue or if you have one video that explain how configure the ethernet IP master in the HMS

thank you for your support


There are no videos for this particular setup, however I can certainly help.

Are you having some sort of issue that prevents you from doing the steps in section 4.2? Have you changed the gateway to idle by going the the Anybus configuration manager and then changing the gateway to idle under

Tools>set operation mode>idle?

thank you for your feedback

I can add the slave, but now I have the next fault “MS Red Flashing” (see picture)

I think that is a problem with my configuration in specific with the connection points.

This is the configuration of my drive

However I tried with this configuration but I the result is the same

thank you

Can you please also add a picture of the configuration in the web server of the Anybus X-gateway?

This is the last configuration but I tried with the values of 101 and 102 in both sides

and this is the IP configuration


Based on the scan list screen shot you have not entered the correct originator to target and target to originator connection points. You say that in your latest configuration you have them as 101 and 102, it will be important to put them in correctly or this will not work.