New HMS Forum! has moved to a new forum platform has moved to be integrated with the existing HMS support portal, offering more learning and problem-solving possibilities.

Please find the new Forum here (make sure to update your bookmarks).

You can browse topics in the new forum, and to post, please log in to your HMS support portal account or create a new account if needed.

Note: is still accessible but read-only.

Additional details

HMS Networks has moved its forum to a new platform that integrates to our support portal. Within our support portal you will be able to search for solutions and FAQ including our community.
The new Forum can be found here. With the new platform being integrated into the rest of our support platform we are able to support it globally. Allowing your local support team to respond giving you quicker responses as well as allowing us to involve other teams when required.

HMS.HOW the URL will redirect to the new forum at However the site is not going away. It will still be accessible via at but will be read only. This means all bookmarked pages will still work. This change will allow us to focus our on improving the new forum.

What do you need to do?
To access to new form you can navigate to where you can browse and read topics. To post you can login to your existing portal account or if you don’t have one create one with just your name and email.
We have moves our most used content over to either Knowledge base article or forum topics. We recommend using the search bar to find ether. If you don’t find your topic please we encourage you to create a new one.

New Topic
Once you are signed in you can use the New post button to create a new topic.

Support Engineers
The same support engineers found here are already on the new platform. If you had an active topic that was over looked feel free to create a new thread and pick up where you left off.