RSLinx Connection

For some reason I have 2 Flexy in the field and I can no longer connect to them. The service is working and I confirmed through eneblingelements that it is passing data. eCatcher is connecting and talking with eWon. I confirmed through the customer the eWon has at least 2 signal lights on. I have reconfigured drivers multiple times in RSLinx and I have made sure to map the IP correctly. I can ping the eWon in CMD window as well.

What am I missing?

Thank you in advance



Are you able to ping the PLC?

If not, I’d ensure your eCatcher firewall is set to Standard.

You can verify this in eCatcher by right clicking on your device’s name and going to properties.
In here, click the Configure LAN Devices & Firewall button.
If firewall is set to High, lower to Standard then click OK.

Yes, I am able to ping the PLC.


That’s good news. If you are able to ping the PLC then we should be able to get this to communicate.
Are you having issues adding the device in RSLinx or are you unable to connect to your eWON’s interface?

If it’s with RSLinx, please ensure that you are using the “Ethernet Driver” rather than “Ethernet/IP”

Hey thanks for the help!

Got it figured out. The engineer was giving me the wrong IP. What I am sending a ping to I don’t know but now that I have the correct IP everything is good to go.

Those darn engineers. (no offense)


Thanks for the quick update!
I’m glad you got this issue resolved and no offense taken :smiley:

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any further questions.