RTC update, 4005CD and Flexy

Hello support,

I am trying to update the Flexy’s and 4005CD’s RTC from a PLC address with no success.

Do you know if there is a way to do this? Any function or I need to script it?

Thanks for your help!

Happy New Year!!

Best Regards,


Can you elaborate on what you are trying to do?
Are you trying to set the time in the eWON based on a bit in a PLC to adjust for daylight savings?

Hi @hms_support,

My customer would like to match PLC time with ewon time because he is using the Alarm table in a viewon Page.

He sends it’s data though some tags from AB PLC.

I am trying to concatenate these tags in a string to use command SETTIME.

If you have any examples, that would be appreciated. I am pretty sure you already have that.

Thanking you in advance!

Best Regards,


We can’t read strings natively with the eWON flexy but we can concatenate characters into a mem tag using a BASIC script in the eWON.

We have a topic on hms.how that provides the details.

Please see the following post:

Let me know if this is what you need!

Hi Joe,

Quite the same pattern, but with numbers to put on a string to have a date and time format:

SETTIME “01/12/2000 12:00”

So if we are able to program for example SETTIME "day@ / month@ / year@ hours@:minutes@ ,
that could be great!

This way, both time would be synched.


Hi Joe,

My client was able to get it through with your examples. If i have any other questions, i will let you know but for the moment, consider this case as done.

Thanks again for your help.