Serial Numbers show as?

I have 2 Cosy 131 units that with our customer’s computers show ??? for Serial Numbers in eBuddy, which the appropriate Serial Numbers appear just fine on my computer. Other Cosy units are just fine. Is this any kind of known issue? What is the remedy? Attempting to enter the right Serial Number in eBuddy does not work.

What version of eBuddy is he running? (Help > About) He should probably re-install eBuddy on his computer. Make sure it is the latest version.

This is not a know issue. You cannot manually enter the serial number in eBuddy.

That is the first thing I had him do - install the latest version of eBuddy, which he did. When you right click on the device in the eBuddy window, and select ‘Set IP’ it suggests entering the Serial Number or IP address, but that does not allow any input.

It is not consistently doing this with all of the Cosys (they use dozens of them) - and the Cosys themselves are running at min 13.0.0, I believe.

That’s really strange. I haven’t seen this.

I think I understand what you were saying about entering the serial number now. When you highlight the device and click “Set IP” normally it enters the serial for you, but in this case it is not and you cannot enter it manually either.

It’s really hard to know what is going on without more information. I would have to do a remote session (Teamviewer) to observe this myself I think. Let me know if that can be arranged.

Thank you,

Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s a possibility but I will ask the customer - I believe they’re going to just pull two more units out of their stock. My guess is they don’t see the need to spend the time troubleshooting them when they go through as many of them as they do.

OK, but if I understand you correctly, the units work fine with eBuddy running on a different computer?

On my computer, yes; interestingly enough, we tried with 2 of their available laptops - as far as I could tell, they did not have any consistent extraneous software that could cause this. We also tried a handful of other Cosys that did not have this problem and work just fine. So it’s virtually impossible to discern where the problem is, as there is nothing consistent about it. I didn’t believe it either when they initially complained about it, but I stopped by their shop yesterday and confirmed.

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