Set Modem as Backup Connection

Hi - is it possible to set the WAN port as the primary internet connection and the Modem as the standby internet connection? IF the WAN port can establish internet connection, I want the outgoing traffice routed thru the WAN port. But if there is no internet connection on the WAN port, I need the outgoing internet connection routed thru the Modem.


Yes, this is possible.

Flexy/Cosy 131
If you are using a flexy or cosy 131 device then you just need to update to firmware version 12.3s0PR and you can set the WAN fallback by going through the internet wizard twice.

eWON CD / Flexy with older firmware (Pre 12.3S0PR)

You can do this in the eWON CD and Flexy using BASIC scripting. If you are using a CD then this will be the only option. There’s a detailed example on creating an Ethernet/Cellular WAN fallback located here:

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Adding on to @hms_support response.

If you simply want to send a text message to bring the modem online, no scripting is required to have cellular fallback. Just set up the cellular, then the Ethernet. If the unit goes offline for lack of an Ethernet connection you can simply text it to wake it up.

Note, this does require SMS on the SIM card.

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Hi - Thank you, I will do a test and get back with result.

Hi - I want this to happen automatic, so I will try with the script first.