Slow Rockwell Connection with Flexy 205


I’m experiencing same extreme slowness in communicating with Rockwell PLCs in two overseas installations; if I connect to the HMIs via VNC the refresh is very fast, sometimes almost in real time, but accessing the PLC or sending a new program to the HMI is extremely slow.
Most likely also in my case the Flexy205 are configured in UDP.

If I understand correctly, I need to log into Flexy, then access the VPN Wizard and force the connection in TCP.
Since I have no way to connect to Flexys locally, is the change from UDP to TPC safe?
Is there a risk that I will lose the connection with the Flexys permanently if something goes wrong?

After making the changes to the PLC, is it better to restore the UDP connection or can the TCP connection be left permanently?



Unfortunately Rockwell PLC’s communication does have very slow communication speeds. This is due partly to VPN speeds, and Rockwell communication protocols.

Forcing the TCP connection will not cause the communication to end nor disable it permanently. You can for it permanently within the advanced properties of the VPN wizard.

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