Support eWONx005CD


I currently have a problem with an eWONx005CD the problem is that when I try to connect the module to the CLOUD via VPN, I always get : dns send operation failed.

I performed the test of connectivity to the internet and I get the connection works well. However, when I try to connect the ewon to the Talk2m server, I always receive a error.

You will find the backup below:

eWON.tar (129.5 KB)

Somebody can help me with this problem?

Thank you!


The backup is showing that your internet connection is not that stable.

Would it be possible for you to post a screenshot of the error you are receiving in the talk2m wizard?


It’s possible the DNS errors are due to the device lacking internet.

To test whether this is related to your internal DNS or a lack of internet,
try using and (google’s public DNS) as your primary and secondary DNS.
You can set these manual in the internet wizard (screenshot below).


If you enable the checkbox ‘test online address’ during the internet wizard, does it still pass consistently?


Has there been an update on this issue or has this issue been resolved?


We fixed this issue by installing a switch before the eWON CD 4005 which does not auto-negotiate. This allowed the eWON to get internet which allowed us to connect.