System exec error

Could someone help me with the issue Talk2m wizard Failed: System exec error.

Can you please share a screenshot of the error and a backup of the Ewon with the Support files?

I sadly cannot as I don’t have a copy of them, the back up was taken after a LV2 reset and only contains an hour of events.
The unit was not showing up online or in buddy when directly connected, an was only online coming back on line after each repeated resets.

Are you still experiencing the problem?

Yes this is an ongoing issues. I am awaiting an update to some details.

OK please let us know when you have more details.

Hi Kyle
The only other information I have is the UDP connection isn’t allowed form the t2M checker. but this is been looked into.
could you tell me what is the Talk2m wizard Failed: System exec error is?

Can you at least provide a screenshot of the error? It is not a typical error.

I am sorry I do not have a screenshot of it.
Please find attached a back up but is from after a LV2 wipe and only contains an hour of data.


We would need a screen shot. I can’t find any information about an error like that. ’

Are you continuing to have problems with the Ewon?

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Hi guys, I have the same problem, can anyone help me?

You are trying to register an Ewon that is already registered to another account. You must first delete the Ewon from that account if you wish to register it to a new one.

Kyle, there is something very strange and wrong, because in the ecatcher the serial number appears completely different from the device (serial number).

Please let me know your email to send photos and more information.

Did you restore a backup from a different device? Please go to and create a case and then attach the screenshots.