Talk2M test and configuration failed: HTTP direct connection failed

Hi guys,
First time user here. Having issues configuring my eWon when i try to configure Talk2M connection without a proxy.

At what point on the talk2m/vpn wizard is the test getting hung up?

Hi Tim,

Thanks for getting back on this.

It drops out at the HTTP direct connection check. Attached screen shot

can you try changing your dns settings to be and

Hi Tim,

Tried that with no luck.

Customer has a direct ethernet line to the Cosy for internet.

Just to mention I’m sitting at the plant connected to the internet on my laptop via my phone’s hotspot. Could this be an issue?

Can you give this document to the IT guys just to make sure that the UDP/TCP port are open, as well as whitelisting our vpn server?

They do not have any one on site right now but will try to get a hold of someone.

Is there a way I can check this by connecting my laptop to the incoming customer line that connects Cosy to the internet?

Also, they have other machines from other manufacturers here that have the Cosy installed and are connected.

Do you mean there’s other eWON devices connected to this network that are able to get on without any issue?

Can you also send me a backup.tar with the support files included from eBuddy so I can check some other settings?

Yes Tim. The other eWon devices are connected to this network and they were able to get on without an issue I was told.


Can we set a time for me to jump on and take a look on teamviewer when you’re free?

Hi Tim, I will be ready in a few


factory (3.5 KB)

I’m very sorry Tim. We had a crash on the machine that I had to go and take care of.

I appreciate your help and will try contacting you from next time when we are not in operation.

Sounds good, let me know when you’re free again

Hi Tim,
I have reset the Cosy. Is it possible for you to come on TeamViewer and help me set it up from scratch?

I’m free now if you want to send me the teamviewer info

Hi Tim,
I had to use a HTTP proxy to talk to the Talk2m server on the customer’s network. I randomly selected an available proxy IP. Is this safe?