Talk2M VPN Service Not Found

I have a Win7 machine I have used for a few years to run eCatcher.

Currently on 6.7.8 and I’m getting the ‘…Talk2M VPN Service cannot be found…’

The Talk2M Connection Checker passes with flying colors. I don’t understand how.

I have exhausted recommendations from the help forums, deleting, adding back, and renaming TAP adapters.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Hi @MTrussell,

When you get this error, it’s usually a firewall or antivirus preventing eCatcher from either running or installing correctly. You may need to create an exception in your firewall/antivirus for eCatcher, or disable it while reinstalling. Another possibility is that you just need to reboot the PC.

You said it used to run in the past. What software have you installed recently?


I reinstalled and that resolved the issue.

OK thanks for the update!