Talk2M VPN Tunnel Error 1615903311

Whenever I try to connect to one of my ewons using ecatcher I get a tunneling error.
I have checked that my TAP-Windows Adapter V9 is named Talk2m-eCatcher
I can ping my 3 ewon Cosy 131 and all 3 show online on ecatcher 6.6.4
I preformed a level 2 reset on one and ran the wizards to make sure some setting wasn’t the problem.

Do you have another VPN adapter installed on your PC? If so, are you connected to it?

You can try going into the eCatcher settings on the Log on page -


And in ‘VPN Settings’ change from ‘netsh’ to ‘DHCP’ or vice-versa.

If that doesn’t work, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\eCatcher-Talk2M\Talk2mVpnService\drivers and run:

  1. deltapall.bat (as admin)
  2. addtap.bat (as admin)
  3. renametap.vbs

Make sure the TAP adapter is named ‘Talk2m-eCatcher’ and try connecting again.

Let me know if you are still getting the error after this.