Tap Adapter collision between eCatcher and SOFOS VPN


Thank you. You see now where the issue is, right?




Yes, I didn’t realize you were talking about the install… I thought you were referring to the .ovpn file. II see now that it’s not renamed until after the first connection is made. I appreciate your patience with this and hopefully they will be able to address it soon!


Understand. This has been a long process and very confusing due to so many moving parts. Glad we are on the same page now.

More frustrating due to it not being something you folks in support can fix as this should have been caught in development or testing.

I will be standing by, let me know what you find out.

Thank you.




Good afternoon,

Any news on this issue? We have the same problem on Windows 10 now. We worked with Sofos and eWon on Windows 7 in the past without problems.

Kind regards,


The development team for Ewon is in Belgium, so I would recommend creating a case by going to https://mysupport.hms.se so that it will reach them directly. We’ve already passed along all the information in this forum thread.


We have always had the issue with Windows 10 as the VPN was never used with W7.

As I have pointed out before, the fix is simple, and is detailed in both my conversation and the OpenVPN config files.




Hello Matt,

I thought that something in the setup files needs changes by the developers, but that’s not correct? What are in short the steps that need to be taken by me to use both Sophos and eWon? Sorry, but the conversation between you and Kyle is not very clear about this.

Kind regards,


If you install eCatcher and then install Sophos, you should then go to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\eCatcher-Talk2M\Talk2mVpnService\drivers

And run ‘addtap.bat’ and rename the new TAP adapter to “Talk2m-eCatcher”.


If you have access to the full ticket history, you should see where I detail the steps required by the OpenVPN developers to make changes to the application when bundling the VPN client with another system. Basically, by using the defaults you will overwrite other default instances…

Let me know if you can’t find that info.




FYI, Kyle’s instructions are a band-aid, not a proper fix.

Neither Sophos nor eCatcher should require any post-install config changes to work.

Both applications are installing OpenVPN in an unmodified state, ensuring a TAP adapter name over-write.





Neither myself nor John can do anything with that info. It needs to be implemented by the application developers and I’ve already passed it along to Ewon and you passed it along to Sophos. I believe that John was asking about a workaround that can be used in the meantime.



I wouldn’t say that you can’t do anything with said info. By filling John in on the root issue, he, you, and your other support colleagues can certainly pressure development to remedy a situation that is causing customer issues. Also, remedying a situation that should have never happened in the first place. Has development issued an ETA on the availability on the updated version? The fix is literally a search and replace and recompile.




I have not received an ETA, but I will remind them again.

Thanks for the replies. I will try to add and rename, as you suggested. Depending on the installation order of Sophos and eWon, we already see one or two TAP adapters on the system. On one system we have them working both under some conditions. For the Sophos connection to work, we need to connect eCatcher first. So it seems like Sophos uses the first available TAP adapter and only works if the eWon TAP is already in use.

It is kind of disappointing that this issue still exists after such a long time. Why don’t they solve it?

Kind regards,


Thank you.




I have just checked with the developers and they are looking at a fix for this for the fall release of eCatcher. I can’t speak for Sophos.

I know the topic is over an year old, but the problem is still not solved. After a clean install of one of out PCs there is a conflict between ecatcher and sophos (basically almost anything, based on OpenVPN). If I install the ecatcher tap adapter - it overwrites the sophos’s one and vice versa. Years ago I managed somehow to make the both programs live on the same PC, but I cannot remember how.
But, if you sell a device for 700+ Euro (which, I think is based mainly on open source software) you should at least take the effort to make it right! FYI there are competitors in east Europe, which sell similar routers for a fraction of the price and they work pretty well (personal experience, ewon was my boss’s choice)!!!


Yes, we still have this issue. It is a shame that even after showing Ewon exactly what the issue is and how to fix it, they won’t do anything.




Obviously, HMS is just another company that gives no support to their customers. COVID-19 will be blaimed, I guess.


We have been discussing this with our R&D team and while I was hoping to have a release data before posting we do not have one yet. They are still looking into a fix but they have not been able to guarantee a date.

Until a release is made with a fix we still have our workaround available. This adds a second tap adapter and rename it. This can be done after install. You might need to install both sophos and ecather before running this fix. This script is available in the installation driver folder Talk2mVpnService > driver with the file called install.bat . The script will will add an adapter then rename it for ecathcer. The folder link should look something like C:\Program Files (x86)\eCatcher-Talk2M\Talk2mVpnService\drivers
Once in this directory right click on install.bat and select run as administrator. If this still gives you issues, possibly renaming the current adapter, you can run the addtap.bat script to add a adapter without renaming it then navigate to you network connections in control panel and rename the adapter to manually to “Talk2m-eCatcher”.

Best regards,

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