
in Thingworx window it asks me appkey where can i found it?

The APP key has to be generated:

Creating an Application Key

To create an app key, from the “Browse” tab, navigate to the “Application Keys” page under “Security” in the Thingworx Composer. Click “+ New” and enter a name for the app key, then provide a user name reference to a user that has permission to contact Thingworx via the REST API (the default Administrator account for example). Click “Save” to save the new app key to Thingworx. After the save has completed, click to open the app key, and select the “Permissions” tab. Under “Visibility,” add “Everyone” to the list of Org and Org Units. Under “Run Time,” add the user you set as the user name reference to the list of Users and Groups. Click “Save” to apply the changes, then click “Done” to return to the app key’s general information page. The “Key ID” value in the app key’s general information is the app key value.

The about is outlined on the Github page:

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