Unable to build proxy - m2web - VNC - ewon 2005cd


I’m trying to access some VNC devices via m2web. Devices are available via eCatcher and VNC client, but receive ‘unable to build proxy’ at m2web. The eWon is a 11 year old 2005cd. Is there any limitation or a setup that can fix this problem?

(We have many other eWon (Cosy) in our pool where VNC over m2web are working fine.

Hi Jens,

This could have been an issue with the CD’s connection to m2web. Normally the system detects this and fixes the issue. A reboot can also help resolve issues like this.



Reboot and review of most settings were tried without any luck. We decided to change the eWon to a new Cosy. This solved the problem. Do you have any idea why?

With out at least seeing the logs of the CD it is hard to say. If the devices that were not working were VNC/RDP devices it is seems most likely like an issue with the connection with the m2web servers but it is hard to say what.
