USB to CAN output to USB Com port Windows


We have a USB-to-CAN V2 and we’re looking to output the CAN data coming in to a windows COM port. The Com port is how we pull data into our dredging software. Can anyone help with this?

Hi @Rkillian,

I don’t have any reference for this but I’ll check with some colleagues in Sweden and see if they have any information on this.


Hi @Rkillian,

Here’s what I heard back from my colleague:

"1.1. Using Windows operating system
the USB-to-CAN V2 can be used with the HMS/IXXAT VCI driver only
(with the C-API, C++API, .NET API, LabView-API)

It does not use any virtual COM ports.

1.2. > The Com port is how we pull data into our dredging software.
> Can anyone help with this?

Could you please let me know what exactly do you need?
How the CAN messages should be separated in the data stread on COM?
(Which overhead data byte structure shoud separate the CAN messages?)

  1. The SimplyCAN use the virtual COM ports,
    but the COM-API-Structure is not open for the customers,
    customer can use only our SimplyCAN-API.

  2. Maybe the customer can use the CAN-GW100/RS232
    (it works with two CAN messages only,
    one Tx- and one Rx- identifier can be configured)."

Hi @Rkillian,

Are you still running into issues with this or can I close out this ticket?


We found a workaround. Thanks for checking up


HMS Technical Support

April 13

Are you still running into issues with this or can I close out this ticket?


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