Using eWon Cosy to access Siemens HMI


I have an eWon Cosy 131 which is connected to my Siemens PLC S7-1200 through LAN Connection. My HMI (a KTP 700 Basic ) is then connected with my PLC through the Profinet. I have no problem accessing my PLC. However I can’t access my HMI.

Please advice

Best regards,
Jayson Lim


Are you able to download to it?
Have you tried enabling broadcast messaging through the VPN tunnel?

I’ve seen some HMIs require broadcast messaging to go online with them.

To enable broadcast messaging in your eWON Cosy, you’ll need to update to firmware version 12.1s2.

Once your firmware is updated, you’ll need to change 1 parameter value in your eWON.
Navigate to Settings / Maintenance and enable the ‘show advanced options’ checkbox.
Click edit comcfg

In this location, change the parameter "BroadcastForwarder’ to a value of 1.
Click save
Reboot your eWON

Next, navigate into eCatcher and change your ‘eCacher’ firewall under properties / configure lan devices to high and whitelist your device IP.

The KB article that provides instructions on how to enable broadcast messaging through the VPN tunnel is located here:

Thank you, Joe for the fast reply.

I’ll try that and get back to you