VPN data usage

Hello there,
I have ewons on my account that are consuming VPN data without having connected to it with ecatcher during the current billing period.
I would like someone to explain to me How is VPN traffic measured and also help eliminate VPN data consumption not coming from an ecatcher connection.

Actual configuration:
*PLC discovery is disabled in the configuration.
(BroadcastForwarder = 0)

*Configured as a gateway to allow internet access on LAN side.
(NatItf = 2, VPNRedirect = 0, FwrdToWAN = 1)

*Configured as NTP relay.
(Update time interval = 1440 minutes)

*Using NAT1:1

Thanks and regards,


In order to keep the VPN connection open, a “keepalive” message is broadcast every 120 seconds (default setting). This uses a small amount of data.

The ‘VPNAlive’ setting in the comcfg.txt controls the interval.

Hi Kyle,

If I look into the 2023-04 connection log report, I can notice that one ewon is consumming more data than others.
See on the image below:
1st eWon has consumed 21MB
2nd eWon has consumed 21MB
3rd eWon has consumed 1559MB

No ecatcher connection was logged during this period.

I can assume that 21MB can be the Keepalive but I need to understand whats wrong with the 3rd device!

Can you provide the serial number and recheck the BroadcastForwarder setting?

S/N: 2039-2975-22
BroadcastForwarder = 0

Yeah, I didn’t see any connections in April. Can you update the firmware to the latest version? It looks like this one is running older firmware than most of your other Ewons.

Firmware update is not an easy task because we will need to reboot the device which involves stopping the process. Not to mention that I don’t really like to perform this kind of manipulation while I’m not on site.

Do you have any other suggestion?

I believe there is an issue with that specific firmware version causing it to use excessive VPN data, so updating the firmware is the best solution.

I could try manually resetting all connections to the Ewon in the meantime if you’d like.

Keep in mind that while there is very small chance of a problem happening while updating the firmware remotely, this is extremely rare.