What to do with my CompactCom M40 starter kit?

Hello HMS support,
I come back from new-years eve holidays, and Santa had a present for me:
we just received the AnyBus USB CompactCom M40 starter kit and a Profinet M40 AB6605C PIR module.
First of all, i present you my best wishes for this new year.

Now that I fixed my context, let us go more technical :

I already got downloaded the anybus-compactcom-starter-kit-3-06-01 zip package, so I have got the sources, but :

  • what am i supposed to do with this now ?
  • does it have to be compiled and executed as a Windows 10 application, or should it be cross-compiled and uploaded to the starter-kit ?
  • which version of Microsoft Visual Studio should be installed ? Is there a license needed, or should Visual Studio Community be sufficient for the evaluation of the AnyBus Starter kit ?
  • when starterkit USB cable is plugged, my WIN10 device manager shows me 2 “HMS Development Board 2” unresolved entries in “other peripherals”, meaning that I have to install some kind of USB drivers for it to start working. What am i supposed to do for that ?

All I got is a link to www.anybus.com/starterkit40, which presents me a ton of PDF to read, but no clear guidelines.

Could you guide me, please ?

Hello @lmcroisez,

Happy new year and congratulations on receiving your starter kit!

I recommend reaching out to your contact in sales, they typically will help get you started with a starter kit and get you connected with an application engineer.

The ABCC starter kit .zip you received should have a Projects folder that includes the source code for a few different demo boards including one for the windows based one that is used the the Anybus USB CompactCom m40. This application is designed to compiled and run in visual studio and communicate to the m40 over USB via the starter kit board. It is not compiled and uploaded to the starter kit itself. In the Windows folder you should see a visual studio project file that can be used to open it.

Visual studio community edition should be able to compile and run the application.

HMS Developement board 2 looks like the correct name to see in device manager but you will also need the Anybus Transport Provider. You can find the installer under Software on the Files and Downloads Page

Thanks your information, i managed to compile the Windows application, and all is ok for now.
Thank you

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Great! Have a great week and happy new year!