Consume issue


I currently have the HMS-EN2SE-R module. I am using it to convert RS232 to ethernet to a L16 compact logix controller V31.

Light #5 is flashing red and am unsure why?

We are simulating ASCII data via hyper terminal on a laptop and sending it to the module. We can see the sent data via the log in the module configuration so we know its sending to it no problem, but are unsure of why the data is not being passed into the PLC tags generated. We have communication via the produce portion as we can send characters via the PLC and they do show up in hyper terminal as they should.The module is in Generic mode, all other lights on it are ok and green. Any info on how to set the proper addressing to see the data in the PLC would be very helpful. I’m assuming it is an addressing issue?

Thank you.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Communication issue (consume)

I do not see an example in your post.

Also, you responded on my other thread posted. I posted 2 by accident.