Even eBuddy won't connect?


XML data errors can occur with I.E. I’d recommend trying firefox/chrome.

Additionally, ensure your PC is set in the same subnet of the eWON and remove the EZDHCP address from the eWON in eBuddy if it’s using one.

I’m cutting and pasting my configuration in using FTP with CONFIG.TXT, and it looks like I’m getting close. I do see it online in eCatcher. Once I can get the backup and restore functions working, I’ll be happy.

It appears I got it working. I had to manually restore a bunch of the settings using FTP into CONFIG.TXT.

However, it was showing up on the local browser, eBuddy (where I did get a successful backup), and eCatcher.

The only thing that worries me now is why it failed in the first place. It had been off for several months, and worked with no issues when it was last used. Why would the firmware have gone bad?

Despite the fact that the serial number is outside the range, should I be concerned that this is the case?


You should not be concerned if it is outside the range in the technical update.
Although rare, I find that unresponsive eWONs in similar states to your device are due to power surges.

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