Is the monthly limit on the number of datapoints that can be sent into the DataMailbox a per-Flexy limit, or a per-account limit?

I’m trying to figure out how much data I can record, and whether it scales up with the number of Ewon gateways I have. Unfortunately, the documentation is a little unclear. and at some points it implies that the limit is per-gateway, but elsewhere it says that it’s per-account.
For example, the documentation for the DMWeb API for DataMailbox says this:

4.4 Quota
There is a data quota when using the DataMailbox.
Depending on the type of your Talk2M account, the maximum number of records that an Ewon
gateway can send per month to the DataMailbox is as follows:
• For Talk2M Free+ account: 5 millions datapoints.
• For Talk2M PRO account: 10 millions datapoints.
If a Talk2M account exceeds this limit, it will be capped. An Ewon gateway that belongs to a
capped Talk2M account will no longer be able to send its records to the DataMailbox. (emphasis mine)

It says that there is a maximum number of records that an Ewon gateway can send each month - meaning that each gateway can send 5 million datapoints into the mailbox - but then it says immediately after that the entire account will be capped if the limit is exceeded, which implies that the 5/10 million datapoint limit is actually shared between all the gateways, so I don’t know which interpretation is correct.

To put my question another way: if I have a free account, and I have three Flexy gateways each set up in different machines, will I be able to record 15 million datapoints each month (5 million from each gateway/machine), or will I only be able to record a grand total of 5 million datapoints each month?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Are there any limits on how much data can be temporarily stored in the DataMailbox at any given time, aside from data older than 10 days being automatically purged?