Outage notifications

What options are there to get notifications from HMS or eWon concerning current service outages?
As of now the Talk2M service is down and the eWon Talk2M status on the web site shows it is ok. A call to the help desk confirmed there was an outage ongoing.
Can we be put on a list and be notified that there is an issue with one of the HMS/eWon services? For example we use Twilio and they will send out notifications to all users if there is an issue with one of their services.

Hi @tedsch.

The outage has caused us to look at our policies and procedures for notifications and there are gaps that we will be working to close. We’ve also started internal discussions about the status page for the same reason you mentioned, it showed an online status when services were impacted by a technical issue.

We’ll be using a top level banner here on the forum to convey outage and resolution information and we’ll be looking at how we can better communicate these events out when they occur, including your suggestion to keep an email list and send out notifications.


Chris Morgan
Americas Technical Services Manager