Tunnel closed for unknown reason


I’m having trouble with 1 of my netbiter connections.
I’m getting this message
Tunnel closed
The tunnel was closed for an unknown reason.

I have tried updating firmware. And network bridge is set ON and saved.

This is the last message from the LOG file.
2021-07-20 11:51:29,798 INFO [qtp26871468-29] BasicTunnelClientApplicationService - Closing tunnel to i-0fd87fc69b1427f02.ra.netbiter.net
2021-07-20 11:51:29,798 INFO [qtp26871468-29] BasicTunnelClientApplicationService - Opening tunnel to i-0fd87fc69b1427f02.ra.netbiter.net
2021-07-20 11:51:29,798 INFO [qtp26871468-29] JettyWebSocketConnector - Connecting to “wss://i-0fd87fc69b1427f02.ra.netbiter.net:443/bifrost/tunnel/?tunnelId=1125926885&id=Aquarius&secret=747b224f2cdef24d639a5e80139ef75e”.
2021-07-20 11:51:29,834 INFO [qtp26871468-29] proxy - No proxy needed, connecting directly to https://i-0fd87fc69b1427f02.ra.netbiter.net:443
2021-07-20 11:52:29,179 INFO [t1125926885] LocalTunnelSegment - Channels and factories closed
2021-07-20 11:52:29,180 INFO [t1125926885] LocalTunnelListener - Tunnel disconnected, reason: UNKNOWN
2021-07-20 11:52:29,195 INFO [t1125926885] LocalTunnelListener - Tunnel disconnected, reason: TIME_TO_ESTABLISH_EXPIRED

kind regards Johan

This seems likely to be an issue on the Netbiter side. The device might not have a good data connection to maintain the VPN or is not configured correctly. Try synchronizing the configuration again. This will verify you can get data to and from the device and ensure it is configured correctly for the VPN.
