EN2PB-R Scanner in Idle switching from Program to Run

Please copy Casey directly.

Thank you,

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Let me know if this link works

Link moved to staff notes.


Thank you it looks like i was able to download it. I have shared the link with my colleagues performing the testing.


We may have identified the issue. We see you are running FW v1.1 of the HMS-EN2PB-R. We have released v1.2.10 which contained a several bug fixes. We suspect updating the module should fix this issue. You can download the Firmware from the files and documentation page for the device. There is a ZIP file with all the files needed. https://www.anybus.com/support/file-doc-downloads/linking-devices-specific/?ordercode=HMS-EN2PB-R

Let me know how the update goes and if this resolved the issue.


Hi Deryck,

When I connected to the device with the serial cable it appeared that we were running v1.2.10. It was confusing determining the rev because there are references to different revisions for the different segments of programs running in the same device.

How can you tell we are running v1.1?

Thank you,

Hello Rick,

I am waiting to here back from some other Engineers with more info.

As for the where they pulled the firmware revision i believe from the properties of the module in the project. I suspect this might not accurately show the firmware revision.

Hi Rick,

We also see you have two modules, does this issue happen on both Linking devices? Does the firmware match on both the devices?

Another thing that if the EtherNet/IP connection is in idle (that is “EtherNet/IP Run/Idle header set to idle” in contrast to “control word set to idle”), then the “gateway status word” will not be updated. (since the status word is just part of the EtherNet/IP process data and in “EtherNet/IP idle” no process data is sent over the EtherNet/IP connection).


Hi Deryck, we were unable to test the other unit, I believe they have the same fw version.

I guess I’m not following you with the Ethernet IP header setting. Where can I find this.


We are going though the program and are having a hard time to find where you are putting the gateway in to run mode. What Routine is it in and what network is it on?

Can we get a Wireshark of the gateway on the network when it is in a state that it should be running.

As part of our troubleshooting, we removed the ladder logic that put the gateway into run mode and would manually change the .Control tag value to 1. When we had the issue we would change the .Control tag value from 0 to 1 to 2, but the .Status would be stuck stay at 1 but the module was not in a run state. When the unit was rebooted, it would take the .Control command and the .Status would display the correct state. The following are the tags:



I have never used Wireshark before, any pointers?


Thanks for the info on the tags.

Here is a brief description of the process. You will need a managed switch or a hub(not to be confused with a unmanaged switch). You will have the gatway connect to the network though the switch then mirror the traffic from the port the gate way is connected to a port your PC is connected to. If you use a hub you will not need to mirror the traffic. On the PC run Wireshark selecting the Ethernet adapter you are connected to the switch and start a capture. Once you have had the device run for a bit stop the capture and it should prompt you to save.

Hi Deryck, I have an isolated test PLC and EN2PB-R set up on my work bench. I have the latest firmware and AOI downloaded from the HMS website. The unit is losing communications to the PLC every time I download to the PLC. This is what I see.

While running, I see solid green LEDs at MS EN and MS PB.

When I perform a download to the PLC, both MS EN and MS PB start blinking green.

After the PLC download is complete and PLC is running, both MS EN and MS PB are still blinking green.

The module shows as online in the PLC IO tree and the module properties show it as running, but I cannot send any commands to the module over Ethernet.

If I reset the HMS module at this point, after it reboots the MS EN goes solid green and I can send commands over Ethernet.

I took some video, I will try to make it available to you via a link.



I have forwarded this onto my colleagues who are investigating what could be going on here. Let me know if you can get us the videos to take a look at. You should be able to log into hms.how (create an account with this email) and upload the videos here > EN2PB-R Scanner in Idle switching from Program to Run




Hi All,

I sent a video of the faulted condition when we first reported the issue.


Hello Casey,

I have been discussing this case with the escalation team. They have been unable to reproduce the error in their lab. They will need a Wireshark capture showing this issue occurring to understand what is going on.

Is this something you would be able to capture? If needed we can discuss the process over the phone.


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